Sunrise Parent Teacher Association
Sunrise Elementary Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a 501 c (3) non-profit corporation which is State and Nationally affiliated. We are separate from, but work in close partnership with, the school. Our vision is to make every child's potential a reality. Our members are parents, grandparents, teachers, staff, and community members of Sunrise Elementary.PTA is a powerful voice for children, a relevant resource for families, schools and communities, and a strong advocate for the well-being and education of every child. We encourage parent involvement and promote opportunities for positive outcomes for children.
Our Mission
To maintain standards of affiliation with State and National PTA.
To advocate for laws that promote the education, the physical and mental health, and the safety of children at Sunrise Elementary. To advocate for fiscal responsibility around public spending in education.
To promote collaboration and engagement between families, teachers and the community in the education and the welfare of children at Sunrise Elementary.
What we do
We provide supplemental funds to teachers and specialists for classroom, library, PE, music, and playground materials. We also provide emergency preparedness equipment to the school.
We fund and run art and science docent programs.
We coordinate volunteer-led social events to grow a sense of community, build lasting friendships and create fun memories.
We host community service programs and discussions to help our kids better understand each other, and those outside of their immediate circle.
We provide after school programs to enrich our children's learning experience at Sunrise.
PRESIDENT | Co-President
Deanna Daum / sunriseparents@gmail.com
Organizes and facilitates the PTA board and general meetings throughout the year
Represents Sunrise at the district and council PTA meetings
Is generally the ‘point’ person for communicating with the Principal and school office manager, and therefore has first-hand information regarding any changes or issues related to the school
Is versed in the Standards of Affiliation to WSPTA and National PTA as well as the State’s Policies, By-laws, Mission, Values, etc.
Reaches out to other local PTA’s to share ideas, and collaborates with the community
Addresses questions that Sunrise parents submit to sunriseparents@gmail.com or the website, directing them to the appropriate board member if necessary
PRESIDENT | Co-President
Wes Geffner / sunriseparents@gmail.com
Organizes and facilitates the PTA board and general meetings throughout the year
Represents Sunrise at the district and council PTA meetings
Is generally the ‘point’ person for communicating with the Principal and school office manager, and therefore has first-hand information regarding any changes or issues related to the school
Is versed in the Standards of Affiliation to WSPTA and National PTA as well as the State’s Policies, By-laws, Mission, Values, etc.
Reaches out to other local PTA’s to share ideas, and collaborates with the community
Addresses questions that Sunrise parents submit to sunriseparents@gmail.com or the website, directing them to the appropriate board member if necessary
Deborah Hathaway / sunriseparents@gmail.com
Reminds board of upcoming meetings through email and collects agenda items
Prepares and photocopies agenda for meetings
Brings sign in sheet to meetings to record members present at meetings
Brings up previous months agendas at meetings for approval
Takes notes of important points at meetings and types them out in a set format and distributes them through email to board
Looks over bank statements to verify input/output of expenses
Keeps a print-out copy of all agendas and minutes in binder
Marlaina Cleveland sunriseparents@gmail.com
Reminds board of upcoming meetings through email and collects agenda items
Prepares and photocopies agenda for meetings
Brings sign in sheet to meetings to record members present at meetings
Brings up previous months agendas at meetings for approval
Takes notes of important points at meetings and types them out in a set format and distributes them through email to board
Looks over bank statements to verify input/output of expenses
Keeps a print-out copy of all agendas and minutes in binder
Noelle Dockstader and Bhaskar Rao / sunrise.treasurer@outlook.com
Performs all financial accounting of the PTA including its membership fees and program profits
Receives and deposits money and disburses it according to the approved yearly budget
Presents a proposed budget for approval at the May General Meeting and closes the books at the end of each year
Files tax returns and other government forms
The past Treasurer serves in an advisory capacity to the newly elected Treasurer when needed
Assists communications with payment options on the website, ie. Paypal and Venmo
Christal Griffin / sunriseparents@gmail.com
Coordinates PTA events including the Fall Festival, School Dance, Multicultural Night, and Talent show
Advertises events
Recruits volunteers for events
Recruits event committee chairs
Lijuan Wang / sunriseparents@gmail.com
Coordinates the Before and After School Programs, including vendors, enrollment and volunteers
Submits room reservation requests to the district
MEMBERSHIP Co-Vice President
Katie Hawley / sunriseparents@gmail.com
Encourages teachers, individuals, and families to become members of PTA by raising awareness of the benefits of PTA membership
Has a presence at the Back to School Open House, Curriculum Night, and events whenever possible
Helps coordinate the publication and distribution of the school directory, which is available to all PTA members
Recruits and provides support for the directory chair
Inputs membership data to MemberPlanet
Tracks membership data for social event discounts
MEMBERSHIP Co-Vice President
Beth Zborowski / sunriseparents@gmail.com
Encourages teachers, individuals, and families to become members of PTA by raising awareness of the benefits of PTA membership
Has a presence at the Back to School Open House, Curriculum Night, and events whenever possible
Helps coordinate the publication and distribution of the school directory, which is available to all PTA members
Recruits and provides support for the directory chair
Inputs membership data to MemberPlanet
Tracks membership data for social event discounts
Pritisha Jha / fundraising@sunrise.pta.com
Recruits and coordinates with committee chairs who support fundraising
Manages fall fundraising campaign
Works with the Treasurer to track and validate Fundraising budget line items
Provides tax documentation to donors, where applicable, for charitable contributions made to the Sunrise PTA
Coordinates with the VP of Communications to update the Sunrise PTA website on all fundraising activities and affiliate promotions
COMMUNICATIONS | Co-Vice President
Meaghan Fox sunriseparents@gmail.com
Communicates with Sunrise parents via the PTA newsletter regarding PTA events, as well as general school and district information
Maintains Social Media account
Co-maintains the PTA website
COMMUNICATIONS | Co-Vice President
Sani Field sunriseparents@gmail.com
Communicates with Sunrise parents via the PTA newsletter regarding PTA events, as well as general school and district information
Maintains Social Media account
Co-maintains the PTA website
Art Docent/Art Night Coordinator
Lisa Kramer, Jodi Downs, Stephanie Holmes
Recruits art docent parent volunteers for each classroom. Facilitates an educational meeting for art docents, provides them with access to materials and introduces them to the guidebook. Coordinates Art Night which includes ordering flats from the District.
Shannyn Houtrouw, Pritisha Jha
Raises funds through live and silent auctions
Back to School Supplies
Sani Field
Updates class school supply lists with teachers, coordinates supply kits with school supply company
Book Exchange
Brooke Sebastian, Anna Vainstein
Advertises event. Recruits volunteers to help receive, sort, and set up, and “sell” books. Children bring gently used books from home. During the school day, children use credits to “buy” new-to-them books from the exchange. Sometimes books for older children will need to be purchased if not many are brought in for exchange. At the end, every child goes home with a “new” book.
Book Fair
Cathy Koskela
Works with librarian to recruit volunteers for the Scholastic Fall book fair. This week-long book fair raises money for the library.
Box Tops/Labels for Education
Noelle Dockstader
For more information please visit boxtops4education.com
Community Service
Brooke Sebastian
Organizes Community Serve Day (which is usually held in late August) and donations to Hopelink and other various programs throughout the year. Supports the less advantaged outside of the school through such avenues as a toy drive during the holidays and a coin drive for the summer food bank. Usually a committee of 2 or 3 people.
Beth Zborowski
Coordinates the publishing and distribution of the yearly Sunrise student directory.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Updesh Mahal
LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS! Partners with students, families, staff and our community to progress the National PTA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion purpose and to align with the Northshore School District Racial and Educational Justice Department ideas centering around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).
Emergency Preparedness
Sara Wuh
Assists the School Nurse with inventorying and stocking the school disaster container, preparing a budget request with nurse for needed supplies, and attends NSPTA council Disaster Preparedness committee meetings for emergency protocols.