Employer Matching
For donations and volunteer hours
Many employers/companies in the area will match employee donations and volunteer hours to qualified 501(c)(3) organizations, such as the Sunrise Elementary PTA. For example, if you are a Microsoft employee and donate $300, Microsoft will match your $300 and your total donation will be $600. Or if you volunteer your time to help at the school or in the classroom (i.e., library helper, recess duty, art docent, science volunteer, etc.), many companies will “match” your volunteer hours by donating corporate dollars.
Below is a list of some of the employers in the area that participate with instructions on how to get your donation matched. Many companies make it easy to request your matching donation by simply logging onto a page while on the company intranet. Please keep in mind that sometimes procedures change, so for the most up to date information, you can contact your company’s HR department or reach out to Yolanda Bowra and Stephanie Suhrie (SunriseEmployerMatching@gmail.com) and we will try to assist.
To select the cause you want your matched donation to go to, search for Sunrise Elementary PTA Northshore Council 6 10 42 (address will show up as Tacoma), or if it isn’t already in the database, search for it with the EIN (taxpayer ID) 91-1286397.
Does not participate
Min: $25
Max: $10,000
Ratio: up to 1:1
Deadline: by January 31st of the year following the donation date
Min: $20
Max: $4,000
Ratio: 1:1
Deadline: 12 months from the date of donation to request matching funds
Min: $25
Max: $5,000
Match: 1:1
Deadline: by April 15th of the year following the donation date
Min: None
Max: $10,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Deadline: by January 31st of the year following the donation date
Min: $10
Max: $10,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Deadline: unknown
Does not participate
Min: $1
Max: $15,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Deadline: 12 months from the date of donation to request matching funds
Min: $20
Max: $1,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Deadline: 6 months from the date of donation to request matching funds
Min: $50
Max: $5,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Log in to Volunteerforce via the Okta tile homepage to request matching gifts.
Deadline: unknown
Min: $10
Max: $1,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Deadline: 90 days from the date of donation to request matching funds
Wells Fargo
Donate through the Wells Fargo giving portal at https://wellsfargo.yourcause.com/ during the Community Care Grants campaign (usually around September each year)